To form students who have the necessary skills to become people who transcend.
Integral Formation
The main objective of Cedros International School is to form integral students.
We achieve this by emphasizing our efforts on five essential pillars:
-Professional: academic excellence and educational technology.
-Human: development of virtues. -Family: personalized attention to parents through the Parents and Friends Association (APA) and the Family Education Center (CEF). -Spiritual: Christian vision of life. -Social: healthy coexistence and service to the community.
Personalized Education
At Cedros International School, each student has an adviser who helps, advises counsels, and accompanies them in their academic, human, family, social and spiritual development.
Through the joint work of parents and the preceptor adviser at Cedros, we obtain the best possible version of each student.
-Constant growth goals for the student.
-We provide tools for self-knowledge.
-We promote the strengths and abilities of each student.
Christian Vision
As part of the integral formation, the Prelature of Opus Dei provides spiritual care and promotes the sanctification of work and ordinary life circumstances, such as study, family life, dealing with friends, and sports.
-Work done with effort and professionalism.
-Better academic performance.
-Strong and long-lasting friendships.
-Strengthened family life.
-Positive outlook on life.
Specialized male education
We take into account the different learning and maturation rhythms of our students.
Our goal is to maximize the academic and human capacities of boys.
- Decrease in school failure
- Strengthening of the personality
- Better academic performance
- Use of specific pedagogical tools for boys' learning