Comprehensive privacy notice for students, parents or guardians.

Fomento Educativo del Centro, A.C., also known as Centro Escolar Cedros (from now on referred to as "Colegio"), with address at 364 Tecoyotitla Street, Col. Ex-Hacienda de Guadalupe, Chimalistac, Del. Álvaro Obregón, C.P. 01050, in Mexico City, offers you this privacy notice and informs you that by the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, it is responsible for the treatment and protection of the personal data referred to herein.

  1. PERSONAL DATA THAT WILL BE PROCESSED BY THE COLLEGE SCHOOL For the purposes mentioned in point 2 of this privacy notice, the College School will collect and use the following categories of personal data: 1.1. FROM THE PARENT, MOTHER OR GUARDIAN Personal identification, contact, employment, academic, patrimonial and financial data. PERSONAL DATA Ideological data (religion), health data. 1.2. OF THE STUDENT Personal identification, contact, physical characteristics, academic, patrimonial, and financial data. 1.2.1 SENSITIVE PERSONAL DATA Ideological data (religion); health data. Suppose you wish to know the personal data corresponding to each category mentioned above in detail. In that case, you may be able to use the following procedure in paragraph 5 of this privacy notice. The College School will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the personal data processed are the minimum necessary for the processing. For the personal data of family members or references that you provide us, you must previously inform the owner of such data or their parent or guardian in the case of minors, that you can know our privacy notice for family members and references by requesting it to our privacy officer, through the forms set out in paragraph 4 of this notice. Regardless of the above, at the first contact with the holder or before using personal data, if the treatment does not require contact with the same, the College will make the privacy notice above available for family members and references to the holder.
  2. PURPOSES OF PROCESSING The personal data previously referred to, we obtain them to carry out the following purposes, according to the type of holder: 2.1. The personal data of the parent or guardian will be used for the following primary purposes, which are necessary to provide your child or ward with our educational services: a) To identify and contact them. b) To integrate the corresponding administrative file. c) Register them in the school's various academic and administrative management systems. d) Send account statements, issue invoices, inform you and provide you with school material, and carry out the payment/collection procedure that originates with the student's enrollment in the College and our services. e) Prepare documents to share institutional information about our educational services (circulars, notices, and electronic bulletins). f) Inform you about the purchase of uniforms, g) Carry out academic monitoring of the student, and contact parents or guardians in case of any mishap or emergency, as well as for medical and psycho-pedagogical care. h) Please update me on the students' discipline and performance reports. i) Evaluate the quality of our educational services. j) Please ask for your authorization for the student to participate in events inside and outside the school, as well as inside and outside the country. k) Inform you about extracurricular activities and complementary services for the student's education. l) Enroll the student in one or more activities, workshops, and extracurricular courses. In this case, we will use your data for the enrollment process, to integrate the corresponding administrative file, inform you about the performance of the student and events related to extracurricular activities, carry out the procedures that may be required before the authorities, process certifications and accreditations, carry out procedures for the participation of students in national events, carry out immigration procedures for the involvement of students in international events, develop and implement logistics activities necessary to facilitate the development of extracurricular activities. m) Know and address their doubts, comments, and suggestions regarding our curricular and extracurricular activities. n) Comply with the provisions set forth by the Ministry of Public Education for registering, registering, and issuing student documentation. o) In case the father, mother, or guardian wishes the student to receive the sacrament of Confirmation and the sacrament of the Eucharist, their data will be used to inform them about the process and requirements to carry out the same; prepare the family for the student to receive the desired sacrament; manage the vouchers and records of the sacrament. p) Register you in the mandatory courses offered by our Family Education Center, integrate the corresponding administrative file, register your attendance, ask you to evaluate the course content, as well as the material used and the dynamics of the class, and issue you a certificate of attendance to the course. q) Evaluate, determine, and manage different supports for families that request them (scholarships and exemptions from mandatory services). r) Implement security measures. s) Develop and implement the logistical activities necessary to facilitate the school transportation service; make the corresponding charges for the service. t) Comply with the obligations imposed on the school by the various laws. 2.1.2. Additionally, the personal data of the parent or guardian will be used for the following secondary purposes, which are not necessary to provide our services but are very useful to promote and strengthen our educational offerings: a) Request and receive donations and sponsorships. b) Sending advertising on services that complement the college's educational offerings and advertising on the educational services of sister institutions. c) Obtain images and videos to generate advertising elements to disseminate the college's services in different media. d) Marketing and commercial prospecting. Please let me know whether you want to express your refusal to process your data for the above secondary reasons or any of them. In that case, you may indicate it in section 12 of this privacy notice, called "Consent." 2.2. PURPOSES FOR THE PERSONAL DATA OF THE STUDENT 2.2.1. The student's data will be used for the primary purposes necessary to provide our educational services: a) To integrate the student's corresponding administrative file. b) To elaborate on a student credential. c) To register the student in the different systems implemented by the school to carry out academic and administrative management. d) To register the student in the corresponding division (lower elementary, upper elementary, or high school). e) To apply evaluations for the different curricular subjects; in the case of English, to manage evaluations through third parties to obtain language proficiency certificates. f) Report on compliance with the obligations as a school student (specifically on the control of uniforms, work material, and preparation of discipline reports and student performance). g) Integrate aspects of school performance and medical and psycho-pedagogical care received into the student's academic record. h) Provide insurance coverage for school accidents. i) Carry out spiritual formation and social service activities. j) Register the loan of material available in the school library. k) Implement mechanisms and measures for the safety of students at the school. l) Develop and implement the logistical activities necessary to facilitate the school transportation service. m) Comply with the provisions of the Ministry of Public Education for the registration, registration, and issuance of documentation of students enrolled in the school. n) In case the father, mother, or guardian wishes the student to receive the sacrament of Confirmation and the Eucharist, the student's data will be used to inform them about the process and requirements to carry out the same; prepare them to receive the desired sacrament; manage the vouchers and records of the sacrament to be received. o) Provide basic first aid if necessary. p) Register students and follow up on the preceptorship model implemented by the school. q) Evaluate, determine, and manage different supports for families that request them (scholarships, exemptions from mandatory services, and economic support). SECONDARY PURPOSES are not necessary to provide our educational services but are beneficial to promote and strengthen our educational offerings: a) Sending advertising about other services that complement the college's educational offerings. b) Sending advertising about the educational services of sister institutions. c) Obtain images and videos to generate advertising elements to disseminate the college's services in different media. d) Obtaining photographs of the student to produce the school yearbook. If you wish to express your refusal to process the student's data for the secondary purposes mentioned above, or if you have any of them, you may indicate so in section 12 of this privacy notice, entitled "Consent."
  1. TRANSFER OF PERSONAL DATA The College will carry out the following transfers of personal data for each type of holder: 3.1. TRANSFERS OF PERSONAL DATA OF THE PARENT, MOTHER, OR GUARDIAN. The personal data of the father, mother, or guardian may be transferred to the following individuals or legal entities without legally requiring their consent in terms of Article 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties: a) To the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), for accrediting studies, grades, grades, exams, certificates of the different educational levels, authorizations for external visits and health status of the student, in compliance with the official provisions issued by the SEP itself. b) To the hospital of your choice, in case the student suffers an accident or has a health situation within our facilities that requires a specialized medical service to provide such service. c) To the insurance company with which the school has an agreement to support it in providing student medical insurance. d) To the Cedros Foundation, IAP, to link with external donors when the parent or guardian requests financial support. e) To the company Grupo Cotrep, S.A. de C.V., to provide the transportation service to the student and issue the corresponding tax receipts. Only the fiscal data of the parent or guardian and the amount to be paid will be transferred. f) In the case of students receiving the sacrament of Confirmation and/or the Eucharist to the corresponding church, to administer the corresponding sacrament. g) To the different leagues the student is enrolled in to participate in the school's representative team. h) To government authorities for the completion of procedures. i) To the competent authorities when required and legally justified. In this case, the only purpose of the transfer would be to comply with the authority's order. We will not make transfers that require your consent. 3.2. TRANSFERS OF THE STUDENT'S DATA may be transferred to the following individuals or legal entities without legally requiring the consent of the parent or guardian, in terms of Article 37 of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties: a) To the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), to accredit studies, grades, exams, certificates of the different educational levels, authorizations for external visits and health status of the student, in compliance with the official dispositions issued by the SEP itself. b) To the hospital of your choice, in case the student suffers an accident or has a health situation within our facilities that requires a specialized medical service to provide such service. c) To the insurance company with which the school has an agreement to support you in providing student medical insurance. d) To carry out retreats to Centro Deportivo Tetelpa, S.A. de C.V., a company belonging to our corporate group. e) In the case of students who receive the sacrament of Confirmation and/or the Eucharist to the corresponding church to administer the corresponding sacrament. f) To Fundación Cedros, I.A.P., to link with external donors when the father, mother, or guardian requests economic support. g) To government authorities for the completion of procedures. h) To the company Grupo Cotrep, S.A. de C.V., to provide the student with the transportation service and issue the corresponding tax receipts to the parent or guardian. i) To national or foreign institutions when it is necessary for the student's participation in national or international events. j) To the competent authorities when required and legally justified. In this case, the only purpose of the transfer would be to comply with the authority's order. We will not make transfers that require the parent or guardian's consent.
  1. INFORMATION ABOUT OUR PRIVACY OFFICER AND HOW TO CONTACT HIM Our privacy officer is the person within the College School who has been formally designated to promote and ensure the protection of the personal data we have in our possession, as well as to attend to the rights of the holders of personal data. For all matters related to the treatment and protection of your and/or the student's data, you may contact our privacy officer in any of the following ways: (i) via email at the address; (ii) via telephone at the number: 50919556. Regarding the former form of contact, if no one can answer your call, you may leave a message, and the privacy officer or his staff will contact you.


  1. ARCH RIGHTS AND WITHDRAWAL OF CONSENT Under the terms of the applicable regulations, you have the right to know what personal information we have about you or the student, what we use it for, and the conditions of the use we make of it (Access). Likewise, it is your right to request the correction of your or the student's personal information in case it is outdated, inaccurate, or incomplete (Rectification); that we remove it from our records or databases when you consider that it is not being used properly (Cancellation); as well as to oppose the use of your or the student's data for specific purposes (Opposition). These rights are known as ARCO rights. In addition, under the terms of the applicable regulations, you may revoke the consent you may have given us to process your data and the student's data. To learn about the procedure and requirements for the exercise of ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent, you may use any of the following means: (i) Contact our privacy officer via email; (ii) call the telephone number indicated in paragraph 4 of this privacy notice, to request a free form with the procedure and requirements; (iii) request, via email or telephone, an appointment with our privacy officer to personally provide you with the corresponding information, and clarify any doubts you may have in this regard. For the exercise of any of the ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent, you will need to submit the respective request via email to our privacy officer or deliver it personally to the address of the College indicated above, to the attention of the privacy officer. At any time, you may request an appointment with our privacy officer to personally address any complaint or comment regarding exercising your ARCO rights and/or revocation of consent and any other matter related to processing your data.
  2. OPTIONS AND MEANS THE SCHOOL OFFERS TO LIMIT THE USE OR DISCLOSURE OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA In addition to exercising your ARCO rights and your right to revoke your consent, you may limit the use and disclosure of your personal information by sending an email to our privacy officer at the above address, requesting your registration to the "Opt-Out List of Personal Information for Parents and Students," for us NOT to use your personal information for secondary purposes. If you would like more information about our exclusion list, you can contact via email with our privacy officer. The College School has implemented internal means and mechanisms to limit the use and disclosure of your data and various administrative, physical, and technological security measures to ensure proper storage and custody of such data.
  1. USE OF COOKIES AND WEB BEACONS We have implemented cookies on our website. Cookies are automatically downloaded files that are stored on your computer's hard drive when you access our site. These files allow you to save some of your data on the server. You can also find web beacons, which are images embedded in the page. Cookies and web beacons are used to monitor your browsing behavior to provide you with a better service and browsing experience on our site, as well as to offer you our educational services. The personal data we obtain from the aforementioned tracking technologies are the following: Your browser type and operating system; time and time spent browsing our Internet site, sections consulted; Internet pages accessed prior to ours; the links you follow; the search engine you may have used to reach our site; your IP address; how often you visit us, or if it is the first time you visit us. We do NOT share your personal data obtained through these technologies with third parties. We also inform you that you can disable these technologies. To learn how to do this, please refer to the technical information of the browser you are using. In the following links you will find examples of how to do it for these types of browsers: For Internet Explorer: cookies#ie=ie-11 For Google Chrome:


  1. USE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS The College School disseminates its services in different social networks; in this sense, promotional activities in social networks are listed in the purpose determined as "Obtaining images and videos to generate advertising elements to disseminate the services of the College School in different media.
  2. MODIFICATIONS AND UPDATES TO THIS PRIVACY NOTICE The College School may modify and/or update this privacy notice, informing you about it directly or personally.
  3. SECURITY BREACH In the event of a security breach at any stage of the processing of personal data that significantly affects your economic or moral rights, the privacy officer will inform you as soon as possible so that you can take the appropriate measures.
  4. GUARANTOR AUTHORITY FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA If you believe that your right to the protection of your data has been violated by any conduct or omission on our part, or you presume any violation of the provisions of the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, its Regulations and other applicable laws, you may file a complaint with the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI). If you would like more information, we suggest you visit its official website,
  5. CONSENT In my capacity as father, mother, or guardian of _, of whom I exercise parental authority or guardianship, and in my own right, I give my consent for the personal data of the minor and the undersigned, including sensitive personal data, to be processed under this privacy notice. (YES / NO), I consent to my data being processed for secondary purposes: a) To send and/or receive requests for donations and sponsorships. b) To send helpful information about other services that help complement our institutions' educational offerings. c) To obtain images and videos to disseminate the events of the College by any institutional means. d) To conduct studies on marketing and commercial prospecting. (YES / NO), I consent for the personal data of my child or ward to be processed for the following secondary purposes: a) Sending helpful information about other services that help complement our institutions' educational offerings. b) Obtain images and videos to disseminate the events of the College by any institutional means.


Fomento Educativo del Centro A.C., with address at Tecoyotitla 364, Col. Ex-Hacienda de Guadalupe, Chimalistac, C.P. 01050, Delegación Álvaro Obregón, in Mexico, D.F., is responsible for the personal and direct collection of personal data, as well as the use is given to them and their protection.



1.1 PERSONAL DATA COLLECTED AND PROCESSED OF THE CANDIDATE: (a) Identification Data: full name, date of birth, marital status, address, telephone, e-mail, Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC), homoclave and signature. (b) Academic Data: professional studies, professional degree, certificates of studies. (c) Work History: name and address, previous employers, telephone, line of business. (d) Financial and Property Data: personal and real property, personal income and expenses, bank accounts, credit cards, family and personal financial situation. (e) Physical Characteristics: photograph, image. (f) Sensitive Data: religious beliefs, emotional and family life.

2.1. PURPOSE OF THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA OF THE CANDIDATE: Your personal information will be used during the recruitment and selection process, specifying the following necessary and secondary purposes: Necessary: (1) Integration of the candidate's administrative file, (2) Elaboration of socioeconomic study. Secondary: (1) Dissemination of services, courses, diploma courses, and conferences related to the Centro Escolar de Educación Familiar (CEF) for forming parents. (2) Sending promotional information of courses and events of Fomento Educativo de Centro, A.C. sister institutions and Fundación Cedros, I.A.P. (3) Development of spiritual formation and social service activities. (4) Curriculum exchange of candidates with institutions related to Fomento Educativo del Centro, A.C.

1.2. PERSONAL DATA COLLECTED AND PROCESSED FROM THE EMPLOYEE AND FORMER EMPLOYEE: (a) Identification Data: full name, age, date and place of birth, gender, marital status, address, telephone, e-mail, nationality, Unique Population Registry Code (CURP), Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC). (b) Academic Data: name and address of the school of origin, educational background, grades and certificates issued by other institutions, languages, certificates of study, school records, and degree of study. (c) Sensitive Data: health data (health condition, health status, etc.), diseases, allergies, medical and psychological treatments, blood group), physical characteristics (photograph, image, weight, and height), religious beliefs, data on social, emotional, psycho-pedagogical, affective and family life. (d) Financial and Patrimonial Data: bank accounts, tax information, tax returns, payroll receipts, and general data on the family and personal economic situation.

2.2. PURPOSE OF PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING OF EMPLOYEE AND FORMER EMPLOYEES: Necessary (1) Integration of the employee's file (2) Preparation of the individual employment contract, if applicable (3) Preparation of labor documentation during the development and after the same (4) Preparation of seniority and/or performance acknowledgments. (5) Attention to requests for judicial information. (6) Attention to requests for labor references. Secondary: (1) Development of spiritual formation activities and social service. (2) Processing of requests for exemptions from mandatory school transportation. (3) Dissemination of services, courses, diplomas, and conferences related to the Family Education Center (CEF) for the training of parents. (4) Sending promotional information of courses and events of the school, related institutions, and Fundación Cedros, I.A.P. (5) Development of spiritual formation activities and social service, (6) Congratulations on the occasion of the birth of the employee. Suppose we do not provide the requested personal data. In that case, we will not be able to initiate the personnel selection procedure and, in its case, to celebrate an individual work contract, to initiate the labor relationship with Fomento Educativo del Centro. A. C., we have the security measures to protect your data.


    Once the personal data has been provided, you have the right to access, rectify, and cancel the personal data provided, as well as oppose the processing of the secondary purposes. You may limit the use and disclosure of the data with a secondary purpose and revoke the consent you gave us. To know the procedures, requirements, terms, and conditions for the exercise of these rights, you may contact the Privacy Officer of our Personal Data Department at, whose address is located at Calle Tecoyotitla 364, Col. Ex Hacienda de Guadalupe, Chimalistac, C.P 01050, Delegación Álvaro Obregón, in Mexico City, at telephone number ext. 1805, or visit our web page Within five working days, your request will be attended to, and we will inform you about the origin of your request to the e-mail address you provided us.


    We transfer the personal data of the Institution to (1) Insurance Companies to contract major medical, life, and auto insurance. (2) Sociedad Financiera de Objeto Múltiple, for the processing of loans requested by employees. If you do not express your opposition to transferring your data, it will be understood that you have consented to do so.

  3. SENDING PERSONAL DATA: We send personal data within the Institution and to our service providers acting on our behalf to fulfill the agreed contractual obligations and the purposes described in this Privacy Notice. The persons responsible for receiving personal data will assume the same duties and/or responsibilities that the Controller has considered with the holder in this Notice.
  4. MODIFICATIONS AND UPDATES TO THIS PRIVACY NOTICE: Any modification and/or update to this Privacy Notice may be consulted at

    This Institution disseminates its services on its website, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, for which we use images and photographs of employees, students, and parents for information and communication purposes with the Cedros community and other interested parties. On Facebook, we use the security and privacy locks provided by the page. If you do not express your opposition to us using your images or photographs for the reasons mentioned above or if they are transferred, it will be understood that you have given us your consent.

  6. USE OF COOKIES AND WEB BEACONS: The institutional website uses cookies and beacons. These collect stored data, such as the IP address of origin, browser used, operating system, time you accessed the page, and email.